The investment project was implemented in 2005. At the beginning of the plant's activity, wine products were bottled in "bag-in-a-box" packaging and kegs; over time, a line for filling into PETF bottles was purchased and installed. Today, Olymp LLC has its own vineyards and land for planting new ones.
The capacity of the grape processing plant also increases. New crushing equipment – vinificators, specially equipped tanks for processing red grapes – was purchased; the number of tanks increases as well.
The range of products is very diverse: table wines, semi-sweet, semi-dry, and dry; special wines and flavored wines obtained by adding natural extracts from herbal ingredients to the blend. Fruit wines are relatively new products at the plant, and they are in great demand by a buyer.
Top-class specialists with vast experience work at the Olymp plant. They are skilled specialists, who have worked in the wine industry for many years.
The partners of the Olymp plant are leading manufacturers, retailers, and logistics companies.